

Saturday/Sunday, August 24/25, 2024, 10 am–5 pm


concept development, portfolio review, printing technique, editing, sequencing, image editing, production, digital/analog photography, analyzing your own situation.

Workshop programme

Day 1: 10:00 am: Workshop Begins

Introduction by Bojan Radovič. Presentation of his “Replica” exhibition theme and its relationship to the medium of photography. Review of participants' portfolios

Afternoon Session:  Individual review within the Group and discussion with exploration of projects

Guidance and feedback from Bojan Radovič.

Day 2: Individual review within the group and discussion with exploration of projects.

Guidance and feedback about paper, sizes, alternative printing materials.

Please note that the schedule is subject to slight adjustments based on the flow of the workshop and participants' needs.


Portfolios: Please bring a selection of your work comprising 20–30 images. You can present your portfolio in printed form or as a digital presentation on your own laptop. In case of digital portfolio files make sure to bring your personal laptop for reviewing and sharing your portfolio. If you have final art prints you have made, bring a few examples. By bringing these items, you will have the necessary tools to actively participate in the workshop and make the most of the learning and creative opportunities provided.


Fotografie Forum Frankfurt (FFF)

Braubachstraße 30–32, 60311 Frankfurt

Language: English
Duration: 2 day

Photography, in its essence, is a remarkable medium that captures and preserves moments, essentially creating replicas of the world around us. Building upon this fundamental concept, we invite you to join us for the Finding Your Replica workshop, where we will delve into the choices of making your ideas into a printed form and finding the right presentation concepts.

During this workshop, we will explore the intricate relationship between the original and the replica within the photographic medium. By examining the diverse forms of copies, and how an image evolves, we will unravel the deeper meaning behind these replicated moments and their significance in artistic expression.

Through engaging discussions, hands-on projects, and the sharing of insights from my own creative process, we will embark on a journey of discovery and contemplation. Participants will have the opportunity to reflect on their own photographic practices and explore the art of creating meaningful photographic works.

Bojan Radovič, born in 1960 in Novo mesto, Slovenia, is a photographer, curator, and organizer of photographic exhibitions. He graduated in photography from the Swansea College of Art (UK) in 1982. Bojan has presented his works in numerous solo and group exhibitions, both locally and internationally. His contribution to the development and interest in fine art photography is of European importance; he played a significant role in establishing the photography scene in Novo mesto, founding the Novo mesto Photo Gallery in 1984, which became one of the cornerstones of the photography community in the city. Bojan also founded the House of Photography, where he was actively involved in various photographic projects and initiatives, creating an exchange of international artists. He has participated in residencies in New York (2008), London (2022), and was the first Slovenian photographer to take part in the European Eyes on Japan project in 2012. His work inspired the concept for the exhibition Paradise, Performance, Replica, at the Fotografie Forum Frankfurt in 2023.


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