Saturday, November 04, 2017, 7pm
Location: Fotografie Forum Frankfurt
Admission is free
16 photographers show their work on the theme of family.
With Volker Bannert, Britta Baumann, Marina D’Oro, Hans-Werner Franz, Andrea Gappisch, Alexandra Gronen, Dirk Johanns, Andrea Klein, Dina Koletzki, Elke Krämer, Julia Kühn, Ralf Mueller, Wolfgang Raith, Simone Schnabel, Jan Sievers, Charlotte Troll
Over a period of nine months praticipants of the workshop “Getting in Touch” participants created a project dealing with different forms of ‘family’ with the OSTKREUZ-photographer Heinrich Voelkel (*1974). The 16 photographers will show their works including investigations of personal and other spheres of living experiences as well as the process of becoming a family or the bizarreness of coincidental connections.